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Everyday Essential Oils Pack(Black)Lemon: May Help witho Irritated Throato Elevate Moodo Neutralizing Odorso Cleans Surfaceso Detoxifier & AntioxidantGeranium: May Help witho Bleedingo Air Purificationo Diabeteso Vertigoo Dry SkinEucalyptus: May Help witho Respiratory Issueso Inflammationo Paino Neuralgiao ShinglesMelaleuca (Tea Tree): May Help witho Healthy Immune Functiono Soothe Ear Discomforto Antifungal Properties Peppermint: May Help witho Sore Muscleso Respiratory Supporto Digestive Supporto Energyo Repel BugsMarjoram: May Help witho Muscle Ache/Spasmo Crampso Arthritiso Whiplasho NeuralgiaLavender: May Help witho Relieve Minor Burnso Calms Irritated Skino Soothe Emotionso Support Restful Sleepo Combats Seasonal ThreatsOregano: May Help witho Combating Seasonal Threatso Support Immune Systemo Digestive Supporto Antiviral, Antifungal & Antibacterial Properties

Everyday Essential Oils Packs

SKU: 89055
  • Disclaimer: Statements contained have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease or substitute care by a medical practitioner. All recommendations are believed to be effective, but since actual use of this product is beyond our control and can vary from individual to individual, no guarantee as to the effects of their use can be given nor liability taken. Back to Naturals is not responsible for misuse or care of products . All products are intended for adult use and must be kept out of reach of children and pets. 

    Please do not use any essential oils if pregnant , nursing, epileptic or have underlying conditions. Please seek medical advice before use if any of the previously stated conditions apply to you. By purchasing essential oil products buyer is aware and agrees to all policies.

  • All of these products are made to order, by hand in small batches with love. We have a no refund / return policy in affect. Please see all policies before purchasing.

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